May the 4th be with you – don't be the Rogue One and do your census online today!

The 2023 Census shares the auspicious 4th of May with Star Wars fans as the last day people can complete their census forms [online] before receiving a Final Notice for the 2023 Census, Stats NZ said today.

4 May 2023

“We’re hoping everyone enters the Star Wars spirit and commits to doing their bit to complete the census. Every census form contributes to the data needed to help communities, iwi, businesses, and local and central government make decisions that affect us all,” said Simon Mason, Deputy Government Statistician and Deputy Chief Executive Census and Collections Operations.

“That way we can confirm how many people report Jedi as their religion.”

If you do not complete the census online today, you will receive a Final Notice. This notice will explain that everyone who was in Aotearoa New Zealand overnight on 7 March 2023 is required to complete the census, and if they do not, they risk being fined $2,000 under the Data and Statistics Act 2022.

Census collectors will stay in areas most affected by Cyclone Gabrielle (the Far North, and Te Tairāwhiti and Hawke’s Bay regions) until Thursday 1 June. 

“Census collectors have made 1.8 million visits to households since Census Day to collect forms, to follow up with people who may have missed completing one of their census forms, or to support people who might need some extra help to do the census,” said Simon Mason.

“If you have received a pack or a letter from Stats NZ or a census collector, please check you have completed all your forms. Some households have not fully completed the census – because they, for example, have not completed Individual Forms for every person who stayed on 7 March, or because they only did Individual Forms for people and never completed their Dwelling Form.

“You can ring the 0800 236 787 helpline to check what was submitted for your address, ask any other questions, or order extra paper forms.

“So join the Force (4th) and do your bit and complete your census form online today – 4 May 2023.”

People will still be able to complete their census forms online during May. There also will be public events and community organised events to provide face-to-face support to people who receive a Final Notice and need or want help with their forms. These events will run through to 4 June.

“We will continue to remind people to do the census and how to get help to complete forms through advertising, on social and other media, at events and via various community and other groups,” said Simon Mason.

To complete the census online:

  • Go to
  • Click on the button “Start your census”.
  • Use one of the access codes provided in the letters/packs delivered to your household, and follow the questions asked.
  • You will be asked to complete a few questions to set up your household, and then fill out the Dwelling Form and Individual Forms for each person at your address on 7 March 2023.
  • If you need an access code, you can order one online at or call 0800 236 787 (0800 CENSUS).

For information on census support events go to: